Monday, April 16, 2012

Like Oh my God, I'm like so like embarrassed, alright!

I was just yesterday driving my 13 years old and her friend, also 13, lets call her Sammy, to a frozen yogurt shop. Sammy calls her mom to let her know and has the conversation on speaker phone.

Her mom is excited and tells Sammy that she was on her way with Sammy's little sisters to the same yogurt shop. Sammy, a bit annoyed at mom's excited tone tries to get off the phone. Her mom interrupts and says, "Look, when you get there, don't embarrass me. Just pretend like you don't like know me. OK!"

Did ya know they call white people Crackers?

My dark skinned 13 year old (white dad and Indian mom) came home from school recently and asked if I knew that black people called white people "Cracker". I laughed and told her that, in fact, I'd been called as much many times. Her inquisitive wrinkled eye brows turned to a giggle as she said, "guess that makes me a 'Graham Cracker' ".