Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Got Rid of the Stinking Turtle

My 12 year old wanted a turtle which her grandmother bought for her Christmas a year ago. They need a lot of care or they'll stink like hell. As expected, our daughter grew tired of cleaning the tank and found a friend to take it. Kind of easy to part with mind you as reptiles make lousy pets that cower when you approach.

Anyway, friend's mom arrives and the wife and I give her instructions for care and feeding. Thought I'd compare and contrast our approaches.

Other mom, surprised the turtle needed water in its tank asked how much?
It needs just a little bit so he can swim and a thing that sticks out of the water for him to get on. Enough so that he can stick his head up (She demonstrates to concerned other mom) and get some air. There's the kind that floats and sticks to the side.
About four inches. I'll get you the ramp.

Other mom asked what do you feed it?
You can ffed him some lettuce or carrots or some other scraps. An he eats fish and stuff from pellets. He likes to eat it a bit soft so you can just sprinkle it in his tank. Or you can take him out and put it in another bowl with a little water to soften it.
Turtle food from the pet store.

Other mom confirms the four inches of water and soft turtle food. Mom adds
When you change his water, you'll need to add some dechlorinator to it, just a few drops and it'll be fine. You should keep him out when you do it until it dissolves in the water.
I usually clean it and just use tap water.

Other mom said our daughter mentioned other kids might want it if they decided it was too much trouble.
There are two place that we were gonna take it, the Audubon Nature Center on Route 17 and the Children;s Museum will take it if you don't want it. And two of Mina;s friends are interested, she looked to Mina for their names.
Just call us and we'll give a friend's name.

Later that evening, the other mom called to ask the name of the other friend interested in the reptile.

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