Monday, May 10, 2010

Religious Education ... or Lack of

In the eyes of the faithful, any faith, I really suck as a Dad. To illustrate, last night my 8 years old asked, "Remember when Jesus...", I interrupted to inform her that I wasn't that old. She laughed and rephrased, "You know the story about Jesus when they had that picnic and the black guy left early?" Having educated her in the Catholic faith via the movie "Jesus Christ Superstar" and a kid's bible, I immediately knew what she was talking about. "It was the Last Supper baby and the black guy was Judas, probably not really a black guy, just played by one in the movie". "Yeah", she replied and continued, "Did they eat white bread and was it the kind we had at Subway?" "You mean wheat bread?", I asked. "Yeah, wheat", she repeated. "Yeah, pretty sure it was wheat", I replied.

1 comment:

  1. Mina got a leg up in religious instruction as far as I'm concerned! Monty Python sketches made my time in CCD memorable to say the least!
