Wednesday, March 10, 2010

New Dad's & Old Doctors

I always joke that the first child stumbles, but never falls. Dad's are always there, hovering, pensive and alert, to make sure their little butts never hit the floor, as if the 6 inch drop onto well padded behinds would cause any injury. Four daughters and 23 years later, my youngest will sarcastically ask if I could look at an injury she sustained, "You know Dad, when I fell, right in front of you, and you looked around me at the TV and yelled at me for for whining." Poor kid. At least she's spared the regular trips to the pediatrician that the oldest endured. I was once, 23 years ago, handed two prescriptions for Benadryl by a pediatrician. He said the first was probably not needed, but if my daughter had trouble sleeping I could give her a teaspoon full. "And this one here Doc, what's it for?" "Oh", he said, "That's for you. You look like hell, it'll help you sleep." "But I'm not really having that much of an allergy issue", I stated firmly. "Neither is your daughter, but you both need the sleep." the doctor replied I did tend to wake every other minute to check on her. But that wasn't the end of it. A few weeks later my then wife returned from the same pediatrician with a new prescription. I had insisted they go as I saw what looked like white spots on my daughter's throat when examining her with a flashlight. The prescription read, "take the flash light away from your husband".

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